Summer is quickly approaching, and that means Fitch Camp will soon begin! Follow this link to sign up! http://bit.ly/fitchcamp

Wednesday morning we will have Picture Retake Day. Bring your best smile.

We are looking forward to welcoming back our students on Monday for face to face learning. Remember to return your charged Chromebook, bring your water bottle and other learning materials.

Hello Kincheloe Families this is Mrs. Stone with a reminder.
Tomorrow we will be returning to face to face instruction. Please remind your student to return their clean Chromebook. The whole staff is looking forward to seeing you.

Parents, as we prepare for virtual learning next week, teachers will be sending home at least one QR code that will serve as a login badge for kindergarten-5th grade students to get into Chromebooks. This will help in the login process for the devices. Teachers will be practicing this with students to ensure they are ready. If you have questions, please contact your building office. The following link will give you video instructions: https://www.loom.com/share/ac1244e1259c48189eb6e5a45cebde52?sharedAppSource=personal_library

Parents, as we prepare for virtual learning next week, teachers will be sending home at least one QR code that will serve as a login badge for kindergarten-5th grade students to get into Chromebooks. This will help in the login process for the devices. Teachers will be practicing this with students to ensure they are ready. If you have questions, please contact your building office. The following link will give you video instructions: https://www.loom.com/share/ac1244e1259c48189eb6e5a45cebde52

Kincheloe's virtual parent/teacher conferences will be held Nov. 10-12. Tuesday (10th) is a full day for students with conferences from 5-8.
Wednesday (11th) is a half day for students (11:58 dismissal) and conferences from 1-4. Thursday (12th) is a half day for students (11:58 dismissal) and conferences from 1-4. Friday (13th) is a full day for students. Teachers will be contacting parents to set up a time.

We are in need of breakfast and lunch aides.
Please see the link below for more information.

We have been working on accommodating our additional car traffic in both the morning and the afternoon. To increase safety our traffic officer said to have everyone come in from the west. That means that all traffic will be in the right lane to enter the parking lot. At pick up, please pull all the way down to the end of the drive, to the adult. Cars will be loaded there.

Kincheloe's Picture Day is Monday, October 26.

Our school day is 8:46-3:47. If you are dropping off children, they will begin being released at 8:41 to go to their classroom. At the end of the day, car riders will be dismissed by car, all drivers will stay in their cars.

On Monday, Kindergarten students will have a shortened day. They will come late and leave early. Mrs. Litten's students will come at 9:45 and leave at 2:45. Mrs. McDonald's students will come at 10:00 and leave at 3:00. Please park along the sidewalk and a staff member will greet your child and take him/her to the classroom. At pickup, please park along the sidewalk and your student will be brought you. to. Meals are provided for students or students may carry their lunch. (Don't forget their Chromebook, cord, and mask.)

Welcome Back to all of our Kincheloe Families!
We are excited to be returning to face to face learning on Monday, Oct. 12. I will be sharing numerous announcements throughout the next few days regarding the returning of Chromebooks, our Visitor Policy, drop-off and pick-up times and procedures, as well as items related to breakfast and lunch.

Kincheloe families,
Here are some reminders about distance learning.

This information will help you to log in on Tuesday, or first day of school.

Kincheloe Families, student chrome books can be picked up today, Wednesday, or tomorrow, Thursday . They are available from 2:00 until 6:30. You will need $20 for the insurance payable in either cash or a check made out to Dowagiac Schools.

Kincheloe Families
It's time to pick up Chromebooks! Please see the information below to have all of the necessary information ready for pick up.

Dowagiac Community: Due to a recent resignation on the Board of Education, the Dowagiac Union Schools is seeking interested applicants to fill a vacant seat on the Board of Education. Applicants must submit a letter of interest to the attention of the Board President (mailed or delivered to Administration Office.) Letters must be received by 4 pm., on Wednesday, August 12th.
If you, or someone you know, would be interested in serving on the Board of Education, please submit your letter of interest to the Board by August 12th.
Thank you!

Parents, we have started Kindergarten Roundup! You can enroll on line from the DUS website or you can stop in at Kincheloe and pick up a kindergarten packet. We will be here 9 -3 on Thursday, Friday and Monday and from 9 - 6 on Tuesday. We hope to see you soon!